Blessed is the One


Dear Friends,

The very first Song in the Psalms celebrates the blessings of God on us! We are memorizing this psalm during this month. It will be a blessing to meditate on a bless-able person.

Psalm 1:1a

“Blessed is the one”

This Hebrew word “blessed” appears twenty-six times in the book of Psalms. It could be translated “happy.” But I think there is more promised here than simple temporal happiness. The word suggests that this person has been successful at the deepest level in life!  We might say, “They have it together.”  They are living a wise life the way God intended it to be lived out. They are experiencing the abundant life that Jesus promises in John 10:10. 

John 10:10

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

We should throw a party in their honor! We should seek to follow their example.

In all of history there has only been One who is fully blessed. It is our Lord Jesus Christ!  So, we look to His holy example for instruction and motivation to experience all the blessings God intends for us.

Today, seek to live a blessed life by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your servant,

Pastor Rick

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