We're so glad you're here!

Take a Moment to Get to Know Us

Welcome home!

We are Fellowship Community Church. A local body that gathers in Centennial, CO who invites all generations and all cultures to share LIFE together so that all may be transformed by the power of Jesus Christ.

We value all generations and all cultures

We're better together! 
Every life stage and every nation has a portion in the church. Infant to silver-haired saint, from America to Africa, sharing life is better when we're together; so, we seek to provide something for everyone. But what marks us as disciples of Jesus is our love for one another, our supernatural unity in Christ. That means we also get together across cultural and generational lines.

We share LIFE together...


We love God and others.


We devote ourselves to the sound doctrine of the Word of God.


We devote ourselves to one another through our common relationship with Jesus.


We invite everyone into a relationship with Jesus.

...and help one another connect:

Connect with Christ

It's not a question of, "Who am I?" but, "Whose am I?"

Everything we do is worship. Our worship is centered around the Word and by this we mean the Word Incarnate, Jesus Christ. We worship God the Father in relationship with Jesus the Son, the One by whom we have access to God. Jesus is the embodiment of God’s Word, the Scripture. Every time we worship, whether gathered together or on our own, we open the Bible and seek to understand it, so that the Word is open and accessible for all.


Connect in Community

Deep relationships are about more than who you know. It's about who really knows you.

We weren't meant to follow Jesus alone; that's why He puts us together with others as a local church! Whether we are gathered for Sunday worship or meeting in homes throughout the week, together we encourage one another to keep pursuing Christ. Together, we care for one another when times get tough. Together, we help one another grow in knowledge, love, and obedience to Christ. We don't merely attend worship, we belong to community.

Connect to Culture

Our faith is personal, but it's never private.

When we come together as "the church gathered," there's a greater purpose behind it. We encourage and equip one another to be "the church scattered", taking the gospel to our families, neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, and the world. We work out what it looks like to follow Jesus in our current moment, even as we keep our eye on what God is doing across the globe.

Common Questions

We gather for in-person services at 9:00am and 10:30am. For those unable to come in person, we also livestream both services.

In addition to worship services, there are other programs for you to check out:

Nursery and Children's
Adult Bible Fellowship

Nursery and Children's

You can watch the livestream on Sundays at 9:00am and 10:30am on our livestream page.

When you arrive, park where you'd like and come on in the main entrance. Once inside, someone will greet you and help you get settled in. 

You don't need to bring anything with you; just come as you are. 

It's a good idea to arrive 15 minutes before services are scheduled to begin. That gives you plenty of time to check in, get seated, and be ready to worship. 

As far as attire is concerned, feel free to dress up or come in flip-flops. We have people who come wearing varying styles of clothing, and they all fit in just fine. 

If you are joining us for the first time, we will not embarrass you, have you stand up, or ask you to give money. We know that many people want to check out the church before jumping in. That’s fine with us!

We know that it can be a little scary visiting somewhere for the first time. So, we created a special team that goes out of their way to ensure that you feel welcomed. Our Connection Team is dedicated to making sure you feel right at home. They will answer any questions you have and make sure you get a hot cup of coffee and know exactly where to go.

When you get here, you'll find our Connection Team right at the front doors! Your family is in good hands!

There sure is! And for adults as well.

For our children, we have nursery and children's programming (through 5th grade) available at both services (9am and 10:30am). While we offer something for the kids, know that you are always welcome to worship together as a family in the main service. 

Our volunteers are required to be trained and screened, and we maintain teacher-to-child ratios to ensure safe care. For health standards, children must be free from fever or symptoms of contagious disease for 24 hours before participating. Let us know of any allergies or medical conditions your child may have. If your child is ill, we ask they not attend children's programs. 

Youth (6th-12th grade) meet at 9:00am.

We also have an Adult Bible Fellowship that meets at 9:00am. 

If it's your first time here with children, head to the Children's Check-in and our volunteers will get you all set up. You'll receive security stickers for your child that you will need to show before we release your child. When you come back in following weeks, the process will be much quicker. 

If you have a child with special needs, we want to find out how we best serve you and your family. Please contact us beforehand so we can be sure to provide a positive experience. 

Plan A Visit

Be our honored guest.
We want to invite you to share life with us. We hope you’ll plan a visit and give us the chance to meet you!