Dear Friends,
NIV Colossians 1:28-29
“He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.”
These words summarize the Apostle’s goal for his life and ministry.
First, we must proclaim Jesus Christ! We dare not substitute anyone else. He alone is our Lord and Savior. No one can do what the Wonderful Counselor will do in a life who trusts in Him. The good news of the gospel is used by God as the only means for our salvation and sanctification.
Secondly, we must both teach and admonish everyone. These tasks must be led by the Holy Spirit. We dare not try to persuade others in our own strength or wisdom. He does the work in others as we simply speak and live the truth in love. This is the way wisdom is revealed in us. Wisdom is skillful living that honors God.
Thirdly, the target is the soul of a person. The inner life is complete in Christ at conversion. It then grows in maturity. We target souls because they will live in eternity.
Fourthly, this task is hard work. The verb translated to contend describes an athlete who will not quit. The prize is so valuable that they strive with all their might to receive it. We get our word agonize from this verb. Have you ever agonized over someone? We often find ourselves wrestling prayer to see Christ’s victory in our loved ones.
Finally, the secret of our success is not in our work alone but Christ’s work in us. He gives us the strength we need to present others complete in Christ. We can and must rely on Him daily! Jesus is the Energizer who guides and empowers us.
At the time of his death at 57 years old, Charles Spurgeon was asked how he had led over 60 ministries at his New Park Street Church in London, England. He replied the was successful because he was two. Ponder on how our text today illustrates this truth.
Spurgeon wrote in his devotional, Morning and Evening these timely words: “All the strength supplied to us by our gracious God is meant for service, not for wantonness or boasting. Some Christians are for living ON Christ but are not so anxious to life FOR Christ. Believer, in the strength you daily gain from Christ, work for Him.”
Let us live in His power and for His glory today!
Pastor Rick