
Dick Hormann

Elder Chair


My wife Karen and I have been attending Fellowship Community Church since July of 1992.  We have eight children, sixteen grandchildren, and three great grandchildren.  I have been an Elder since 2019 and in the past have provided administrative support for both the FCC Adult Bible Fellowships and Life Groups.  During the early years of our attendance, we were very active in the children’s Pioneer activity that is now the Awana Club.  This was followed by both Karen and my support for Adult Ministries.

I became a Christian in 1967 as the result of a car pool friend who witnessed to me, led me to the Lord, and then mentored me for several years through the scriptures before a corporate move forced a family move from Maryland to New York.  I made my public profession in faith via baptism by immersion within a few months after being saved.  Following Christ and glorifying God in my daily life has been a constant blessing to me for the past 55+ years.  I lean daily upon studying the scriptures, preparing lessons, and prayer.

Now helping others to glorify God by knowing, loving, obeying, and exalting Jesus Christ is my great blessing.  To that end, I have been facilitating youth and adult biblical studies for well over 50 years. I plan on continuing to do so until the Lord calls me home via my resurrection from the grave or being gathered to him as a result of the rapture.



My prayer for FCC is that we remain visible to all as a vibrant dynamic church empowered and led by the Holy Spirit.