
John Granger

Associate Elder


I was born 75 years ago into a church-attending household with an older sister, and my younger brother who arrived 2 years later. I was raised in the Episcopal Church and confirmed at the age of 13. I learned various creeds and sacraments, and sang in the choir, but never had a relationship with Jesus as my personal savior. My family fractured during my middle school years when due to a business failure my father became an alcoholic and abusive to my mother and divorce followed. As a teenager and college student I lost all interest in God and church. I met my now wife, Dottie, while a summer intern in Washington D.C. between college and law school. We married during my second year of law school in California in 1974 and upon graduation moved with my stepson, Dean, to the Seattle, Washington area. Being equally yoked to a Christian and forgiving wife brought us back to Jesus. She searched for a Christian preschool for our new son, Kevin, and with a push from persistent neighbors we joined a local Covenant Church with a wonderful pastor. There I began to be fed by a passion for bible study which continues to this day at FCC. We were particularly blessed by close friends and mentors who encouraged us to become foster parents to a series of young children from foreign countries who needed major medical care through a ministry known as Healing the Children, and I later served on its Board. Once both kids had graduated college, we moved to Camano Island and joined a bible-based, evangelical church, Camano Chapel, where we were both active in ministry and I continued to feed my bible study passion. There I met a life-long mentor who still continues to disciple me (now by telephone). He taught me the power of shared prayer and the difference between striving through work-based faith and surrendering to the leadership and transformation of the Holy Spirit. We followed our son, Kevin, daughter-in law, Ricki, and grandchildren, Felicity and Jace, to Colorado and FCC in 2018 where I became active in Men’s Ministry. With the support of my beloved wife of 50 years, I now have been asked to serve in leadership of my third bible-based, evangelical church, FCC, which we truly love.