
A Rebuke from the Lord

The song writer adds a sobering truth in Psalm 2:4-6. Our Lord rebukes all who rebel against Him.  Psalm 2:4-6 NIVThe One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.He rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath,saying, “I have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain.” What an odd thought that our God laughs in scorn at rebels. He laughs because He knows all plans to oppose Him will fail. He is in control and overrules all! In His mercy, He will forgive all who repent and turn to Him in humble faith.  We…

Feb. 6 EncourageOgram

Dear Brothers and Sisters; In preparation for Easter this year, I have been reading a very insightful book by Michael Card.  It is entitled, “A Violent Grace.”  It contains meditations on the cross and its application to our lives today!  I highly recommend this book to minister to your heart and life!  At the conclusion of each chapter, Card includes a written prayer.  The prayers are worth the cost of the book.  Here is one example from the chapter entitled: “He was nailed to the cross so I might escape judgment.” O Lord, you suffered the judgment of death on…

Helping in the Storm

Dear Brothers and Sisters,I wanted to reach out to remind you of a couple of upcoming opportunities to bless others who are hurting. This Saturday, October 8, at 3:00pm we are hosting a memorial service for Darlene Hurley.  She went home to be with the Lord last month.  I want to invite you to join us for this celebration of her life!.  The EFCA is responding to the hurt in Florida and has established a fund for gifts to the hurricane victims in Florida.  These gifts will be used by our EFCA churches to help those who lost so much. …

Encouragement for VBS Week

Dear Brothers and Sisters, This week is Vacation Bible School at FCC.  We have been blessed with many new folks serving Jesus by serving our children!  Thanks goes out to all the servants of Jesus working together for God’s glory!  During VBS we all need some encouragement.  I find that my “soul-talk” needs to be focused on Jesus and His willingness to work through me!   Today I want to turn to the twin Psalms 42-43.   Three times in these brief songs we hear these words: Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in…

March 18 EncourageOgram

Good Morning! As we consider the death of our Savior this Lenten season, reflect on these words of Martin Luther: “God is grieved on account of our sin.  Sin is such a pain to God, it saddens him so much, that he would himself be tortured and bodily die so that he might thereby wipe out a person’s sin! ”  This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent…

March 14 EncourageOgram

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I want to thank you for your faithfulness in serving our Lord here at FCC.  I am inspired by your love and hospitality!  I am thrilled that so many of you have signed up for family dinners this month!   On Wednesday nights during our prayer meeting, we have been watching an exciting serries by Rev. Peter Marshall on the history of America.  This week Rev. Marshall will be reviewing the voyage of the pilgrims across the Atlantic Ocean.  I hope you can join us! Here are the dig deeper questions from yesterday’s sermon from John…

Parking Update, Upcoming Events, & Easter Services

Hey there brothers and sisters!With Spring on its way, we’re seeing an uptick in activity among the church. Here’s a quick update of things you might want to know about: Daylight Saving Time – Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour this Saturday evening. But if you forget, there’ll be coffee waiting for you. (Church) Family Dinners – we’re practicing giving and receiving hospitality this month with the Church Family. If you’d like to take part, sign up here! Children’s Survey – Calling all parents with children! We would love to know how to better communicate with you as you seek to raise up…

March 7 EncourageOgram

Dear Ones, Here is the article by Dr. Rennie Showers on the first century marriage customs and how they relate to John 14:1-6. I hope you are inspired by his thoughts and applications. Below is a list of questions on Sunday’s Message from John 14:1-6.  We publish these each week on our website under the title Dig Deeper. March 6, 2022 Series: Declarations of Deity Text: John 14:1-6 Title: I AM the Way, Truth and Life 1. How did Jesus experience a troubled heart in John 11:32, 12:27 and 13:21?  What does this teach us about Him? 2. Why is…

February 28 EncourageOgram

Dear Friends, At our recent international prayer gathering I was impressed by our need to be bold in these days.  The request for boldness was made several times.   In the Bible the term boldness has several applications: 1. To be bold means we will be honest.  We will speak publicly with openness and transparency.  The king is familiar with these things, and I can speak freely to him. I am convinced that none of this has escaped his notice, because it was not done in a corner.  Acts 26:26 2. To be bold is to be clear and understandable….

January 26 EncourageOgram

Dear Friends, Here is a great list of prayer requests on “ministering to others” from the ONECRY prayer list this month.  I ask you to pray these back to God and expect Him to answer! Ministering to Others Pray that we will trust the Spirit to show us in very practical ways how to love our neighbors as we love ourselves  (Matthew 22:39). Pray that your church family will be committed to the process of stimulating each other to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24). Even though we were called to freedom from the law, pray that we will not turn our…

FCC Update – Wed Study Cancelled + Live Nativity

Hi FCC Family! You may have noticed that Pastor’s daily reflections on Luke stopped Monday. Unfortunately, Pastor’s been sick. He’s feeling better after a couple of days of rest, but we are going to cancel tonight’s Wednesday night study. To be clear, the adult Wednesday night bible study and prayer gathering for tonight, 12/8/21, is cancelled. Lord willing, we’ll be back on track next week. Pastor appreciates your prayers. Preparations for Live Nativity, however, press on unabated! We hope you will bring the family out to hear the Christmas story told, once again, this Saturday, December 11 from 4:30-7:30pm. The…