The youth ministries of Fellowship Community Church

About Us

FORGE is Fellowship Community Church's ministry to youth ages 11 through 18 and their families. We're here to help youth and their parents/guardians share life together so that we all might be transformed by the power of Jesus.

Every Wednesday night, we get together to eat, play, and dig into the Bible together as a group of friends and fellow truth-seekers.


Our youth meet together to be equipped to think well about, love deeply, and obey Jesus.

Throughout the Week

Tuesdays @6:00pm
During the school year, our high schoolers gather in homes for Life Groups to share life together.

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Parent/Guardian Email Updates
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Text Updates (2-5 per week)
Get updates delivered right to your phone by texting @FORGEYM to 81010 or click here if you have a smartphone. Unsubscribe to updates by emailing Jeff Howard at

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