Join us beginning February 4th and 5th, for a new study for Women2Women!
Nehemiah: a heart that can break
Is your heart breakable? Nehemiah’s heart broke so deeply for the suffering Jews that he left the comfort of his Persian palace to restore their desolate community. Through 7 video sessions and in-depth, relational Bible study, Nehemiah will inspire you to listen to what God has put in your heart to do. Let God break your heart for the hurting, because He often uses a breaking heart to restore the broken.
Sign up online, via the Church Center App, or at the Connection Center. Cost is $20 for the book. (Scholarships are available!)
For more, contact:
Tuesdays: Maggie (609-529-8961/
Wednesdays: Susan (303-680-1986/
Childcare is available upon request –
6263 S. Parker Rd
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