Security and Stability


Psalm 1:4-5 NIV
Not so the wicked!
They are like chaff that the wind blows away.
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.

The greatest contrast in Psalm 1 is revealed in these verses. The wicked were introduced back in verse 1. Choosing to disobey the Law of the Lord, they will face His judgment. This pattern of rebellion will not see blessedness.

The picture used is one of instability and fruitlessness. It is chaff blowing in the wind! There is no security no matter what fame or fortune they experience on the earth.

On the judgement day, which God has scheduled, they cannot stand on their own record. They will not be in the sheepfold of the righteous! Jesus often reminded us of this distinction at the judgment. (See Matthew 25:31-46)

This is a sober message. It is not pleasant at all! It comes as a warning so we will choose to live on the narrow road which leads to life. (See Matthew 7:13-14)

Heed the warning today, my friend. If you want to see security and stability in your life, choose to delight in the instruction of the Lord. 

Your servant,

Pastor Rick

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