
Give Us Hunger

Dear Ones, Are you ever hungry? As humans, we all experience hunger. On days like Pi Day, we may be more aware of that craving in this earthly life. Let us look now at our soul’s hunger and where satisfaction can be found. Psalm 16 begins with a joyful celebration of an intimate relationship with God! In 16:1, David calls out to God for protection. In 16:2, he echoes his trust in the Lord. Psalm 16:2 NIVI say to the LORD,“You are my Lord;apart from you I have no good thing.” David confesses to the Great I AM, the LORD,…

Security and Stability

Psalm 1:4-5 NIVNot so the wicked!They are like chaff that the wind blows away.Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. The greatest contrast in Psalm 1 is revealed in these verses. The wicked were introduced back in verse 1. Choosing to disobey the Law of the Lord, they will face His judgment. This pattern of rebellion will not see blessedness. The picture used is one of instability and fruitlessness. It is chaff blowing in the wind! There is no security no matter what fame or fortune they experience on the earth….

A Healthy, Fruitful Tree

Beloved friends and family— Psalm 1:1-3 NIVThat person is like a tree planted by streams of water,which yields its fruit in seasonand whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers. The process of living a blessed life began in the heart of delight, continues in the mind of meditation, and results in a transformed will to obey. God gives us a promise of true success! The prosperity here is a spiritual reality which God will honor here on earth and in eternity. It cannot be measured by earthly fame or fortune alone. Joshua makes a similar observation in Joshua 1:8-9…

Every Day Pursuit

Psalm 1:1 NIVBlessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners takeor sit in the company of mockers, The blessed life is disciplined life lived in the freedom of wise choices. There are boundaries that will not be crossed because they steal joy and blessings from us. So, we have examined what a blessed one avoids. What does a blessed one prioritize? Psalm 1:2 NIVbut whose delight is in the law of the LORD,and who meditates on his law day and night. To delight in the law of the…

Review of the Blessed Person

Today, we take a very brief review of the blessed person as revealed in the book of Psalms. We begin by noting that the book of Psalms was the worship book for worship. These songs are written to be used in corporate worship! Yesterday we introduced the term “blessed,” which means “to be happy many times because of the favor of God.” It is found 26 times in the Psalms. Most times it introduces a song as it does in Psalm 1. Psalm 2:12 NIV Kiss his son, or he will be angry and your way will lead to your…

Blessed is the One

Dear Friends, The very first Song in the Psalms celebrates the blessings of God on us! We are memorizing this psalm during this month. It will be a blessing to meditate on a bless-able person. Psalm 1:1a “Blessed is the one” This Hebrew word “blessed” appears twenty-six times in the book of Psalms. It could be translated “happy.” But I think there is more promised here than simple temporal happiness. The word suggests that this person has been successful at the deepest level in life!  We might say, “They have it together.”  They are living a wise life the way…

Time: A Gift from God

Yesterday I received a gift – a day timer!  This annual gift has help me plan and schedule my days. It has also been a valuable tool to keep me accountable as I record how I invested time each day.  Time is an interesting gift from God, isn’t it?  We know that God is eternal, yet He Sovereignly watches over us. We want Him to direct our steps.   I met a dear woman many years ago in a nursing home who reminded me that “God is never late and never early! He is always right on time!” This is sound…

Feb. 6 EncourageOgram

Dear Brothers and Sisters; In preparation for Easter this year, I have been reading a very insightful book by Michael Card.  It is entitled, “A Violent Grace.”  It contains meditations on the cross and its application to our lives today!  I highly recommend this book to minister to your heart and life!  At the conclusion of each chapter, Card includes a written prayer.  The prayers are worth the cost of the book.  Here is one example from the chapter entitled: “He was nailed to the cross so I might escape judgment.” O Lord, you suffered the judgment of death on…

Helping in the Storm

Dear Brothers and Sisters,I wanted to reach out to remind you of a couple of upcoming opportunities to bless others who are hurting. This Saturday, October 8, at 3:00pm we are hosting a memorial service for Darlene Hurley.  She went home to be with the Lord last month.  I want to invite you to join us for this celebration of her life!.  The EFCA is responding to the hurt in Florida and has established a fund for gifts to the hurricane victims in Florida.  These gifts will be used by our EFCA churches to help those who lost so much. …

Encouragement for VBS Week

Dear Brothers and Sisters, This week is Vacation Bible School at FCC.  We have been blessed with many new folks serving Jesus by serving our children!  Thanks goes out to all the servants of Jesus working together for God’s glory!  During VBS we all need some encouragement.  I find that my “soul-talk” needs to be focused on Jesus and His willingness to work through me!   Today I want to turn to the twin Psalms 42-43.   Three times in these brief songs we hear these words: Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in…

March 18 EncourageOgram

Good Morning! As we consider the death of our Savior this Lenten season, reflect on these words of Martin Luther: “God is grieved on account of our sin.  Sin is such a pain to God, it saddens him so much, that he would himself be tortured and bodily die so that he might thereby wipe out a person’s sin! ”  This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent…