
Give Us Hunger

Dear Ones, Are you ever hungry? As humans, we all experience hunger. On days like Pi Day, we may be more aware of that craving in this earthly life. Let us look now at our soul’s hunger and where satisfaction can be found. Psalm 16 begins with a joyful celebration of an intimate relationship with God! In 16:1, David calls out to God for protection. In 16:2, he echoes his trust in the Lord. Psalm 16:2 NIVI say to the LORD,“You are my Lord;apart from you I have no good thing.” David confesses to the Great I AM, the LORD,…

March 14 EncourageOgram

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I want to thank you for your faithfulness in serving our Lord here at FCC.  I am inspired by your love and hospitality!  I am thrilled that so many of you have signed up for family dinners this month!   On Wednesday nights during our prayer meeting, we have been watching an exciting serries by Rev. Peter Marshall on the history of America.  This week Rev. Marshall will be reviewing the voyage of the pilgrims across the Atlantic Ocean.  I hope you can join us! Here are the dig deeper questions from yesterday’s sermon from John…

Parking Update, Upcoming Events, & Easter Services

Hey there brothers and sisters!With Spring on its way, we’re seeing an uptick in activity among the church. Here’s a quick update of things you might want to know about: Daylight Saving Time – Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour this Saturday evening. But if you forget, there’ll be coffee waiting for you. (Church) Family Dinners – we’re practicing giving and receiving hospitality this month with the Church Family. If you’d like to take part, sign up here! Children’s Survey – Calling all parents with children! We would love to know how to better communicate with you as you seek to raise up…

March 7 EncourageOgram

Dear Ones, Here is the article by Dr. Rennie Showers on the first century marriage customs and how they relate to John 14:1-6. I hope you are inspired by his thoughts and applications. Below is a list of questions on Sunday’s Message from John 14:1-6.  We publish these each week on our website under the title Dig Deeper. March 6, 2022 Series: Declarations of Deity Text: John 14:1-6 Title: I AM the Way, Truth and Life 1. How did Jesus experience a troubled heart in John 11:32, 12:27 and 13:21?  What does this teach us about Him? 2. Why is…

February 28 EncourageOgram

Dear Friends, At our recent international prayer gathering I was impressed by our need to be bold in these days.  The request for boldness was made several times.   In the Bible the term boldness has several applications: 1. To be bold means we will be honest.  We will speak publicly with openness and transparency.  The king is familiar with these things, and I can speak freely to him. I am convinced that none of this has escaped his notice, because it was not done in a corner.  Acts 26:26 2. To be bold is to be clear and understandable….

January 26 EncourageOgram

Dear Friends, Here is a great list of prayer requests on “ministering to others” from the ONECRY prayer list this month.  I ask you to pray these back to God and expect Him to answer! Ministering to Others Pray that we will trust the Spirit to show us in very practical ways how to love our neighbors as we love ourselves  (Matthew 22:39). Pray that your church family will be committed to the process of stimulating each other to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24). Even though we were called to freedom from the law, pray that we will not turn our…

FCC Update – Wed Study Cancelled + Live Nativity

Hi FCC Family! You may have noticed that Pastor’s daily reflections on Luke stopped Monday. Unfortunately, Pastor’s been sick. He’s feeling better after a couple of days of rest, but we are going to cancel tonight’s Wednesday night study. To be clear, the adult Wednesday night bible study and prayer gathering for tonight, 12/8/21, is cancelled. Lord willing, we’ll be back on track next week. Pastor appreciates your prayers. Preparations for Live Nativity, however, press on unabated! We hope you will bring the family out to hear the Christmas story told, once again, this Saturday, December 11 from 4:30-7:30pm. The…

December 6 EncourageOgram

Dear Friends, Today we are reading Luke 6. Jesus shares a very brief parable on discipleship.    He also told them this parable: “Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit? A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.  NIVO  Luke 6:39-40 The obvious answer to the opening question is, “No.  A blind man cannot lead a blind man.  Surely, they will fall into a pit.”  It is imperative that a teacher can see and has something of value to teach his student. In another place Jesus…

December 5 EncourageOgram

Dear Friends, In Luke 5 we see Jesus actively doing three miracles!   First Jesus, the carpenter, directs Peter, the fisherman, to a great catch of fish in the middle of the afternoon!  All the details of Jesus’ advice seem illogical, yet Peter confesses “because you say so, I will let down the nets!”  How many times has Jesus asked us to do something that seemed illogical to us that blossomed into a great blessing! Let those who have ears listen!  Secondly, Jesus heals a leper.  Now leprosy was not curable!  It was a disease that came with a death…

December 4 EncourageOgram

Dear Friends, Today we are reading Luke 4 in our month-long journey through this glorious gospel written by Dr. Luke.  You may notice that Luke gives us more insight into the ministry of the Holy Spirit than the other gospel writers.   At Jesus baptism in 3:21-22 we discover all three Persons of the Godhead present.  The Son was being baptized by John, the Spirit descended on Jesus like a dove and the Father spoke of His approval of Jesus, His Son.  This moment must have been a highlight of joy for our Savior as he began his public ministry…

December 3 EncourageOgram

Dear Ones, Today we are reading Luke 3.  Let us focus on the message of John who is preparing the way for our Lord Jesus.   He went into all the country around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.  NIVO  Luke 3:3  God ordained and sent John to prepare the way for Jesus. John was an eccentric. He came out of the dessert wearing camel’s hair clothing and eating locust and honey.  He had been waiting in the desert many years then was sent by God right on time!   John had an expansive ministry into…